44. forty-four. 22x2. 34+10. 50-6.
Today, we take a break from your normally scheduled broadcast to reflect on the number forty-four- my age for the next 365 days as of 11:00 AM-ish Pacific Time.
Some statistics about the age of 44:
You have lived 16,060 days when you turn 44.
This sweet lady lived until the 4th of July of her 97th year!
Work careers "peak" at age 44 as you are typically 20 years into the world of work and 20 until retirement. Wow.
The average age of a LinkedIn user is 44.2 years while the average age of a Facebook user is 40.5 and the average age of a Twitter user is 37.3.
A newscast distributed via ABC News reported "Why 44 is theWorst Age" as depression and mid-life crisis typically peak at this age.
Menopause typically hits between the ages of 45-55. This is the official signal for not having any more babies.
Of the 500 Team USA athletes for the Olympics, ten participants were the age of 44 or older.
At 44 years, it is said that your expectations are most aligned with what you can truly achieve, unlike the dreamy twenties and thirties when the world is still your oyster.
Despite what so many deem awful, I am not afraid of the age of 44. Bring it.
I'm happy to be alive.
I'm grateful to have lived the life I have thus far. Of course there are things that I would tweak a bit if I had to do it all over...but I feel blessed for each chapter of this journey.
I have lived a really good life. Thank goodness for loving parents and family.
I can remember 20 years ago. Like it was yesterday. Seriously. I don't want the next 20 years to fly quite so fast.
I was never the girl that couldn't wait to grow up...leave for college...graduate...get married. (Well, maybe one time...when my younger brother got engaged before me and I cried to my poor boyfriend because the little brother (by 16 months) wasn't supposed to be getting married BEFORE me...)
I've never had that biological clock rushing me to make my next move. I like time. I try to work within its' constraints. I don't try to dodge birthdays but I do seek the "pause" button now that I have kids growing much too fast. I'm not in a rush for retirement or being an empty nester although of course, the idea of no alarm clocks and traveling freely is slightly appealing. But seriously, Time and I can hang at the normal speed limit...no rush.
If I could give advice to my old self I would tell her to listen to your gut. Write in your journals...very regularly and when you write really fast without analyzing you let it all spill out. That small voice within will peek out and all those answers you need start surfacing. Our best wisdom comes from within.
Looking back at my biggest mistakes...deep down, I knew that I shouldn't. The red flags were flying. In hindsight though, I have no regrets as everything happens for a reason.
I would also tell that 20-something girl to always believe. Allow access to your heart. Forgive. Have faith. Soar. Keep dreaming. Give thanks. Live. Enjoy. Rest. Play. Hold hands. Take risks (smart ones). Entwine hearts. Explore. Seek. Learn. Give. Listen. Share. Do it now.
20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did. - Mark Twain
Today I wake up with a new title...middle-aged...um, no thanks. Let's push that metric up a bit...how about age 55? 50 maybe, but 44, nope.
I'm a grown-up. Really? It still doesn't feel like it. Although these things should make me feel "my age":
- I dye my hair because it has been gray/white for as long as I can remember. I found the first gray strand in college under the florescent lighting of my sorority restrooms. Memorable.
- My feet grew a half size with each pregnancy. My hair turned curly after giving birth. And for some reason I measure an inch taller than I did in high school when measured by the hubs last week. Hmm...I'll take it. I need all I can in the height department as my kids are passing me as we speak.
- I need glasses...in fact I can't read the print on the shampoo bottle in the shower. I had to go beyond the "readers" and get the next level! Ack!
- My body has morphed after one natural childbirth and one via C-section...always, go with the C - you have nothing to prove! The war wounds left by birthing two babies = so worth it.
On the plus side:
People question that I am over 40. I still get carded. And I have not had any cosmetic alterations...nor will I.
My body still works. I am pretty healthy.
I feel loved. I have great family and friends.
I love my work/business...especially the mom-job, even though it is definitely the hardest.
I have not stopped learning, which I love.
I want to create a life of significance.
I have faith. I believe.
My bucket list keeps expanding. This is just the beginning.
Going forward...I want all my family and friends know how much I love them. Deeply.
I strive to inspire and ignite sparks in people. Your life if your message to the world...make sure it's inspiring.
I must keep finding my "why". Thank you to my friend John for sharing Simon Sinek's TED talk.
I have so much to learn and so much to teach my kids still. I want to devour books, good food, explore destinations, create...and on and on...
Every day I want to hold myself accountable with, "Did you FIND joy? Did you BRING joy?"
"As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are...otherwise you will miss most of your life." - Buddha
It's never too late. 'Keep your head high and don't let your dreams die.'
The goal is having relationships. Connecting. Sharing. Loving.
Be brave. Put it out there. 'Vulnerablility is our most accurate measurement of courage.' - Brene' Brown
Be happy. Be bright. Stay you.
"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
So 44...whee...here we go!
I have my seat belt on.
Let's do this.