New Year's Eve epitomizes romance, laughter, celebration and a chance to start over. Some of my favorite romantic movies (think When Harry Met Sally, The Holiday, and Bridget Jone's Diary, for example) culminate with great New Year's Eve scenes. When Gary Marshall created last year's movie New Year's Eve, he artfully blended all the magic and romanticism of the holiday into two charming hours. If you have not seen the movie New Year's Eve, you must. It is not only heartwarming but it weaves the story lines of numerous New York characters before the bell drops on New Year's and reveals the interesting interconnections as the movie comes to a close, capping at midnight on New Year's Eve.
I had to share two quotes from the movie as it succintly sums up New Year's:
Claire Morgan: As you all can see the ball has stopped half way to its perch. It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by.
To remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken.
The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt.
Because that's what New Year's is all about, getting another chance.
The chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more.
And to stop worrying about what if and to start embracing what will be.
So when that ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, to be kind to each other. And not just tonight, but all year long.
Yes, let's be kind to each other, all year long. Until we have walked in another's shoes, give them grace, as we have no idea what mountain they are scaling.
Sam: Sometimes it feels like there are so many things in this world that we can't control. Earthquakes, floods, wars, famine...but it's important to remember the things that we can. Like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts...because the one thing that turns the world from the longing place to a beautiful love. Love and any of its forms. Love gives us hope. Hope for the New Year.
We can't control the world out there but we have total control over our own thoughts, actions, and choices. I choose to make the most of the days coming in the new year. I want to make my choices with love and lead an alive, creative, balanced, joy-filled next year embracing my loved ones with an authentic awareness. I want to make a difference in the world through my work, to be a nurturing mama and a loving wife and a force of good in my home and community.
If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would astound ourselves. - Thomas Edison
Here's to 2013 and all the possibilities that come with a new, clean slate. Wishing you a very happy New Year filled with hope and new beginnings!