It's that time of year when we must slather ourselves in sunscreen in the Pacific Northwest!
Did you know...
I recently read an article that stated that by eating foods high in carotenoids, you can help build the natural sun protection from your diet.
By including dark, leafy greens and fruits and vegetables that are yellow-orange such as carrots, sweet potatoes and apricots, algae and spirulina you can boost your body's ability to provide additional protective factors.
The red pigments in shrimp, salmon and trout also provide other potent carotenoids.
Anyway, back to the absolute best sunscreen products...
I fell in love with the Australian Gold line of sunscreen products when I ran out of my normal sunscreen while in Cancun.
I swooned when I first smelled the great scent of the Australian Gold SPF 15 water resistant sunscreen and I will never go back.
But the smell is not all that captivated me. From the great coverage options in SPF levels to the smooth application that does not leave you with a greasy or oily feeling, this sunscreen is amazing.
Upon returning to the states, I could not find the Australian Gold products anywhere in the Pacific Northwest. I have to admit that I held onto my sunscreen bottle when it had finally been used as I adored the smell that transplanted me back to the white sand beaches of Cancun, where the Hubs and I celebrated our honeymoon.
One day, I caught a whiff of the familiar scent and had to ask the person where they had found their sunscreen after confirming it was the my beloved scent. Low and behold, it was available to order on Amazon!
Last summer, I wanted to test the other products besides the initial sunscreen that I had found in Cancun so I ordered a variety of SPF levels, the lip protection, the instant bronzer, the waterproof, and the facial sunscreen.
I've learned that my favorite product continues to be water resistant for up to 80 minutes. It contains aloe vera which also moisturizes the skin.
Note: I did not get paid anything or reimbursed for purchasing this product. It just is something that I have really loved and wanted to share with all of you. I also can't vouch for how great the product works except for how it has worked on my family.